Coder Transcoding

By default, the device forwards media packets transparently (i.e., no media negotiation) between the SIP endpoints. However, when there are no common coders between two SIP entities that need to establish voice communication (i.e., the SDP answer from one SIP entity doesn't include any coder included in the SDP offer previously sent by the other), you can configure the device to perform audio coder transcoding between the inbound and outbound legs in order to enable media flow between them.

Transcoding may also be performed in scenarios where the same coder has been chosen between the legs, but where coder transrating is required. For example, the coders may use different coder settings such as rate and packetization time (G.729 at 20 ms to G.729 at 30 ms).

The coders that the device adds to the SDP offer on the outbound leg is referred to as extension coders. The extension coders are configured using Coder Groups (see Configuring Coder Groups), which you need to then assign to the IP Profile associated with the SIP entity.

The figure below illustrates transcoding between two SIP entities (IP Groups) where one uses G.711 (LAN IP phone) and the other G.729 (WAN IP phone). The initial SDP offer received on the inbound leg from the LAN IP phone includes coder G.711 as the supported coder. In the outgoing SDP offer on the outbound leg to the WAN IP phone, the device adds extension coder G.729 to the SDP, which is supported by the WAN IP phone. The subsequent incoming SDP answer from the WAN IP phone includes the G.729 coder as the chosen coder. Since this coder was not included in the original incoming SDP offer from the LAN IP phone, the device performs G.729-G.711 transcoding between the inbound and outbound legs.

If you assign a SIP entity an Allowed Audio Coders Group for coder restriction (allowed coders) and a Coders Group for extension coders, the allowed coders take precedence over the extension coders. In other words, if an extension coder is not listed as an allowed coder, the device doesn't add the extension coder to the SDP offer.
If none of the coders in the incoming SDP offer on the inbound leg appear in the associated Allowed Audio Coders Group for coder restriction, the device rejects the call (sends a SIP 488 to the SIP entity that initiated the SDP offer).
If none of the coders (including extension coders) in the outgoing SDP offer on the outbound leg appear in the associated Allowed Audio Coders Group for coder restriction, the device rejects the call (sends a SIP 488 to the SIP entity that initiated the SDP offer).
For coder transcoding, the following prerequisites must be met (otherwise, the extension coders are not added to the SDP offer):
The device must support at least one of the coders listed in the incoming SDP offer.
The device must have available DSPs for both legs (inbound and outbound).
The incoming SDP offer must have at least one media line that is audio ('m=audio').
The device adds the extension coders below the coder list received in the original SDP offer. This increases the chance of media flow without requiring transcoding.
The device doesn't add extension coders that also appear in the original SDP offer.
You can view the number of currently active transcoding sessions, using the CLI command show voip calls statistics sbc media.

As an example for using allowed and extension coders, assume the following:

Inbound leg:
Incoming SDP offer includes the G.729, G.711, and G.723 coders.
m=audio 6050 RTP/AVP 18 0 8 4 96
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000
a=fmtp:4 annexa=no
a=rtpmap:96 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:96 0-15

The SDP "m=audio 6010 RTP/AVP 18 0 8 4 96" line shows the coder priority, where "18" (G.729) is highest and "4" (G.723) is lowest.

Allowed Audio Coders Group for coder restriction includes the G.711 and G.729 coders (listed in order of appearance).
Outbound leg:
Allowed Audio Coders Group for coder restriction includes the G.723, G.726, and G.729 coders (listed in order of appearance).
Allowed Audio Coders Group for coder extension (transcoding) includes the G.726 coder.
1. On the inbound leg for the incoming SDP offer: The device allows and keeps the coders in the SDP that also appear in the Allowed Audio Coders Group for coder restriction (i.e., G.711 and G.729). It changes the order of listed coders in the SDP so that G.711 is listed first. The device removes the coders (i.e., G.723) from the SDP that do not appear in the Allowed Audio Coders Group for coder restriction.
m=audio 6050 RTP/AVP 0 8 18 96
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=fmtp:4 annexa=no
a=rtpmap:96 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:96 0-15
2. On the outbound leg for the outgoing SDP offer: The SDP offer now includes only the G.711 and G.729 coders due to the coder restriction process on the incoming SDP offer (see Step 1).
a. The device adds the extension coder to the SDP offer and therefore, the SDP offer now includes the G.711, G.729 and G.726 coders.
m=audio 6050 RTP/AVP 0 8 18 96 96
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:96 G726-32/8000
a=fmtp:4 annexa=no
a=rtpmap:96 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:96 0-15
b. The device applies coder restriction to the SDP offer. As the Allowed Audio Coders Group for coder restriction includes the G.723, G.726, and G.729 coders, the device allows and keeps the G.729 and G.726, but removes the G.711 coder as it doesn't appear in the Allowed Audio Coders Group for coder restriction.
m=audio 6050 RTP/AVP 18 96 96
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:96 G726-32/8000
a=fmtp:4 annexa=no
a=rtpmap:96 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:96 0-15
3. The device includes only the G.729 and G.726 coders in the SDP offer that it sends from the outgoing leg to the outbound SIP entity. The G.729 is listed first as the Allowed Audio Coders Group for coder restriction takes precedence over the extension coder.
To configure coder transcoding:
1. In the Coders Groups table, configure a Coders Group for extension coders. For more information, see Configuring Coder Groups.
2. In the IP Profiles table, configure the IP Profile associated with the SIP entity:
a. Assign the Coders Group to the IP Profile, using the 'Extension Coders Group' parameter (SBCExtensionCodersGroupName).
b. Enable extension coders by configuring the 'Allowed Coders Mode' parameter to Restriction or Restriction and Preference.
The Device's License Key (see License Key) specifies transcoding capabilities:
'DSP Channels' - maximum number of DSP resources.
'Transcoding Sessions' - maximum number of transcoding sessions.
Each transcoding session uses two DSP resources.
You can configure the transcoding mode globally, using the [TranscodingMode] parameter, or for specific calls using the IP Profile parameter 'Mediation Mode'.